1. Take a piece of copper sheet and annealing it (heat it up till the copper glows a dull red then immediately quench in to cold water)
2. Take the piece of copper out of the water and fold in half, hammer the fold flat and anneal again.
3. Remove your folded copper from the water and take it to an anvil or bench plate, place the metal on the very edge of the anvil, using the pointed end of a Cross Pien Hammer hit the fold of the metal.
4. Make sure you hit the fold the full length of the fold on both sides.
5. Once you have hammered both sides of the fold enough anneal the copper.
6. Repeat the process of hammering and annealing till you are happy with the amount that the metal has curved, anneal once.
7. Take the metal out of the water, then use any implement that can fit into the gap on the unfolded side of the copper and gently prise the two sides apart (do note that the metal will continue to curve as you open the metal)
8. Optional step If you want to clean up the piece you can by placing the metal in to a pickling tank ( a bath of acid) which will remove the oxide layer from the metal ( Or if you like the oxide colours as I did with my work, leave the metal alone)
That is the basics of fold forming thank you and I hope this has been helpful
Cross-Pien Hammer